Monday, March 7, 2011

Kitchen Appliance Magic

Shortly after Christmas I bought this present for myself. I have never owned a toaster oven until now and I didn't get it primarily for toast as our four slice pop-up was still working. I wanted it for baking and broiling on a small scale. I struggled with this decision for months, researched different models online and looked at them in several stores. I couldn't decide if I wanted the thing to take up counter space in the kitchen and I certainly didn't have room to store it away. I also knew that I'd be giving up my pop-up toaster for its space. I stopped the contemplating when I was in Wal-Mart one day and found this white Black and Decker model that wasn't too big or too small, but just right, as Goldilocks would say. I've loved it ever since and with just the two of us, I hardly heat my big oven. I've baked biscuits, broiled fish, cooked cornbread in a skillet, baked white and sweet potatoes, made pecan pie and tons of toast. Dale calls it my "easy bake oven." I'm probably the only one of my group of friends who would get so fired up about a new kitchen appliance.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, sweet potatoes in the toaster oven!? How long did they take? I think I need to branch out and try baking more things in mine.
