I love blogs. I love reading my daughter's blog, especially. Of course, that's primarily because she posts pictures of my grandson and granddaughter there. It's also nice to be privy to information or happenings I might otherwise miss.
Anyway, I have thought for sometime that it would be fun to have a blog of my own. So, here goes. I'm actually going to use the blog space to heighten awareness of my etsy shop, hence the name Frogstudio. But, hopefully, it will be much more than that. I am also involved in an interior decorating business that ebbs and flows with activity which yields a lot of fodder for pictures and writing.
In addition to being a part of a wonderful community of friends in a rural locale, a member of a vital Christian congregation, and married to my high school sweetheart for more years than I care to admit, I also have a penchant for expressing myself in words every now and again.